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The Uneek Dog Experience podcast is devoted to all things DOG.


Check out our segments available on YouTube  –  iTunes –  Spotify  –  Soundcloud


The Science of Canine Behavior – different dog training methods and why they work featuring Dog Dish with Deborah of Good CitiZEN Dog.


Did You Know – fun facts about dogs


Public Service Announcements – about the humanity of the pet dog existence


Rainy Day Tips and Tricks – Fun games and training for indoors


Dog Etiquette – the way for dogs and owners to best behave


Coming Soon! Dog Nutrition – Why It Matters and Interviews with Dog Lovers


I would also like to give a special Thank You to Premiere pet dog trainer Deborah Rosen of Good CitiZEN Dog for being the best positive reward based dog trainer I have met and teaching me all I know about dog training.

When I was on the board of the non-profit AARF, Animal Aid and Rescue Foundation, Deborah and I worked with dogs who suffered aggressive behaviors, to give them lives free of the issues that created their aggression like fear, lack of socialization or training and sadly abuse.

It is because of her Advanced Meet and Greet class – formally known as Growly Class and her Basic Obedience classes, that so many are achieve peaceful living.

Whether you have a new puppy or a rescue of any age or temperament, there is no better trainer to help you achieve peaceful living with your dog than Deborah of Good CitiZEN Dog.